Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Yay Boo

Yay Boo
Welp, we're pretty sure we have the job in San Bernardino. This is good news and bad news. Good, because we will be back in our own house, Greg will have a job (possibly probationary instead of temporary!), and we will have benefits! Yay! Sam and Aunica will have their own rooms, and we will have our own room (FINALLY) and we will be living on our OWN!
The school is on a track system, which means that they are year-round. This means that Greg's school year would start smack in the middle of summer-July 28th. Our 5-year anniversary was all planned and ready to go for the 2nd and 3rd of August. We were SO excited, and now we may not get to do it. We were also going to be going up to Montana, and that isnt' going to happen anymore either. Soo, I'm excited and bummed at the same time.
Also, we have renters in our house in Yucaipa, so we'll have to get them out. We have to give them sixty days notice, so we'll be almost into september before we can get back into our house. So, Greg will be living out with his Grandma, and I will be living here with Greg's parents for a couple of months. Alone. *sigh*
So anyway.. that's the news for the day. Thanks for your continued prayers.

1 comment:

harmijo said...

CONGRATULATIONS ON THE NEW JOB FOR GREG!!! It really sounds like things are falling into place, but I understand being bummed at the same time. It's hard to make fun plans and have them not come to fruition. Also living with the parents, just you and the kiddos wont be fun, I know. I'm sorry about those aspects of it all :( Going year round to school sounds like a bummer too, but I know that they do get different weeks throughout the year off, so just think, vacation then! :) I will be praying for you guys.

Your friend Heidi