Friday, June 06, 2008

I'm Back

So, I've been using myspace to do my blogging, but since some of my friends who were regular readers have quit using myspace, I'm going to start posting whatever I post there, here as well. So, here's an update on my life.

The last post was from 2006. We were just about to move back in with my parents at that point. Sam was not even 2 yet, and Aunica was just a glimmer in our eye. Since then, Greg worked in Alturas for a year, then we moved back to Southern California (yay!), found out we were pregnant with a girl, had the girl, Greg got a job in Santa Ana, we are living with Greg's parents, and Sam is turning 3 in less than a month! Crazy! Golly.. I'd better get started on those invitations! We dont' even know what we're doing for his birthday! We don't know where we're going to be next year. We are pretty open at this point, as long as where we end up is warm and doesn't get too much snow. Greg's job in Santa Ana has been a temporary teaching position. It has paid wonderfully, and we've been so relieved to have AWESOME medical benefits. We are praying that he will have a job in San Bernardino next year (there are openings as far as we know) and that we will be able to have benefits again.

Here's today's myspace post: I have been a zombie for weeks now. But last night Aunica woke up ONCE to feed and slept the rest of the time. Yay! If you have a child who is being a stubborn sleeper, I'd highly recommend The Sleepeasy Solution: The Exhausted Parent's Guide to Getting Your Child to Sleep from Birth to Age 5. It's a good'n!


harmijo said...

Thanks so much for posting here! :) I really missed all of your updates! I'm praying for Greg to get just the right teaching position for next year. Congratulations again on Aunica getting to sleep all by herself now! Way to go Mama and Aunica! :)))

Your friend,

Unknown said...

You've got the gift! The scrapbook genesis is spectacular and the written narrarative is a great way to chronicle the emotions of the moment for the future. Darling photos of darling their immortalized.
Thanks for sharing.


A super proud Nana