Our pup, Skittle
Hi. Well, joy.. it's 2:00a.m. and I'm wide awake. Maybe this is God's way of preparing me for motherhood--getting up every 2 hours to feed the baby. I think Sam's waking me up now with his kicking, too. Poor Greg. This is the third day in a row that I've had to go sleep on the couch due to sleeplessness. It probably doesn't help to have as much overactive imagination as I have.
I'm doing better as far as not being terrified of childbirth today. Who knows, maybe it'll be a breeze in comparison to what I'm expecting it to be. What frustrates me is the simple fact that you can't ever be prepared for anything, no matter how much you try to psych yourself up for it; nor can you anticipate how difficult something will, or will not be. I guess it seriously just comes down to trusting God that he's going to get me through this. Sooo.. hard sometimes.
Saw a fantabulous movie today. Greg and I don't have t.v. anymore, so we hadn't seen anything on Napoleon Dynamite. We LOVED it. One of the coolest things, though, was two of our bestest loved songs were on there. I'm hoping it wasn't because of their "cheese" factor, because we actually take them seriously and call them "our songs." They are "Forever Young" by Alphaville and "I Promise" by Modern English. When both of them were played, we both started yelling things like "Hey!" and "Holy Toledo!" The best part of the movie itself, for me, was that the characters were extreme, but not so extreme that I couldn't relate to them or say to myself, "That reminds me and people I know, somehow" I really liked the main girl, Deb. She was someone I probably would have been friends with in high school. Was she the little kid from "Water World?" Or was I just halucinating? Yay for fun movies!