Monday, April 25, 2005

Real Estate Exams Are Hard!

My hubby took the real estate exam today. What a joyful bunch of fun! (Not really). Greg had a very hard time with it, but we're glad it's done. Thanks to those of you who were praying for us. I guess there have been 10 random drive-by shootings in the past week on the 110 (a freeway we took to get there). The test was in downtown LA. I have woken up the past three nights feeling like we were in for Greg's impending death on the way. I just had this horrid feeling that something awful was going to happen on the way to taking the test! I know that's weird, but sometimes you just get these feelings. I was TERRIFIED! We're just glad to be home.

The test itself was hard. Greg feels that it was, anyway... lots of trick questions and not too many easy answers. We'll see! There were a whopping 7000 people there taking it, so Greg was real overwhelmed with people smell and sounds--we probably won't get our results for about 5-10 days, but we keep checking.

Cameron, our new little nephew is very wonderful. We love him. He makes awesome baby sounds that make our hearts melt. Yay to God and Jeff and Melissa! They did a terrific job in putting him together.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Yardsales and Leather Couches

We are getting our leather couch! Hooray! So exciting. We've been talking about it since before we were married and finally have decided to go for it. Greg's parents gave him a money gift a while back for a computer. He never bought the computer, so they told us to get a couch with it! =) We're very excited. It's going to be from the arizona leather company. It smells good. It feels squishy. It is nice.

We had a yard sale on Saturday. We were hoping to sell lots of stuff. In order to not have to get up TOO early, we set everything out the night before. Well, of course, it rained. We were very disgruntled at first. So much so, that Greg, in his frustration, couldn't figure out how to make the signs for the sale. He spelled the word "Yard" like "Sard" and spelled "Sale," "Sail"! I laughed at him, which was probably uncalled for, but it was so funny.

Well, that's about it for these days. Oh... my sister-in-law is having her baby sometime this week. That'll be really cool! I'm excited to meet him!


Saturday, April 02, 2005

The New Napster

So, we're trying out the new napster. I've discovered a couple of new bands/artists/whatever-you-want-to-call-thems. Ben Lee and Andy Stochansky to name a couple.

The cool thing about the new setup is that you can preview whole songs before you buy them if you're a subscriber. I like that a lot. 9.95 a month isn't that bad of a price to pay for unlimited music. The bad thing is, a lot of the bands haven't given their authorization for Napster to give away their complete songs though streaming media. This means only 30 second clips of songs.

My husband's taste is a lot more inclusive and eclectic than mine. He can handle lots of single songs from a million different bands, where if I find myself liking someone, I like ALL their stuff. It's amazing discovering what different tastes we have. I didn't realize he was so into industrial... I knew he liked it, but it's pretty much all he has on his playlist. I am trying to be accepting of it. =) I'm sure he's totally sick of hearing most of my stuff, but he's a lot more tolerant than I am of music he doens't like. It's a good thing we have headphones, but a bad thing too. It makes me sad that we are finding yet another area we don't necessarily synchronize in. =(

Sam is doing well.. he was having a heck of a night last night. I think he is definitely going to be a night and morning person. He's so ACTIVE then. I woke up this morning sorer than I've been my whole pregnancy. Uck.